Chapter 9 – Age-Period-Cohort Analysis: New Models, Methods, and Empirical Applications

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Table 9.1 Growth Curve Model Estimates of Cohort and Aging Effects on Health

SAS codes for Depression Model:

proc mixed data=ACL_Depression covtest noclprint;
      class ID;
      model CES-D = Cohort Age_c Cohort*Age_c Age_c2 Cohort*Age_c2
                  Died Nonresponse /solution;
      random intercept Age_c Age_c2 / subject = ID type = un;
      weight sampleweight;
      title "Table 7.1 CES-D";

Stata codes for Depression Model:

xtmixed CES-D Cohort Age_c Cohort*Age_c Age_c2 Cohort*Age_c2 Died Nonresponse
      || id: Age_c Age_c2
estimates store CES-Dmodel1
estat ic

Table 9.2 Fixed Effect Estimates from Growth Curve Models of Frailty Index: Social Disparities in Aging Effects by Cohort

SAS codes for the Model for AHEAD Cohort:

proc mixed data=HRS_AHEAD covtest noclprint;
      class ID;
      model FI = Sex Race Education Income Age_c Age_c2
                 Sex*Age_c Race*Age_c Education*Age_c Income*Age_c
                  Died Notmarried Eversmoke /solution;
      random intercept Age_c / subject = ID type = un;
      weight sampleweight;
      title "Table 7.2 AHEAD Cohort";

Stata codes for the Model for Each Cohort Sample:

xtmixed FI Cohort Sex Race Education Income Age_c Age_c2
                   Sex*Age_c Race*Age_c Education*Age_c Income*Age_c
                    Died Notmarried Eversmoke
      || id: Age_c
estimates store FImodel
estat ic

Table 9.3 Growth Curve Model Estimates of Cohort Differences in Sex and Race Effects on Age Trajectories of Health

SAS codes for Depression Model:

proc mixed data=ACL_Depression covtest noclprint;
      class ID;
      model CES-D = Cohort Age_c Cohort*Age_c Age_c2 Cohort*Age_c2
                  Died Nonresponse Education_c Income_c Notmarried
                  Illness BMI_under BMI_over BMI_obese Smoking Disability Health /solution;
      random intercept Age_c Age_c2 / subject = ID type = un;
      weight sampleweight;
      title "Table 7.3 CES-D";

Stata codes for Depression Model:

xtmixed CES-D Cohort Age_c Cohort*Age_c Age_c2 Cohort*Age_c2 Died Nonresponse
              Education_c Income_c Notmarried Illness BMI_under BMI_over BMI_obese Smoking Disability Health
      || id: Age_c Age_c2
estimates store CES-Dmodel2